Dancesport Scotland Child Protection and Safeguarding policy

Dancesport Scotland has adopted the following Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy to ensure that every child is safe and protected from harm. For the purpose of this policy a child is defined as a person under 18 years of age. The term ‘vulnerable adult’ refers to a person aged 18 years or over who is, or may be in need of, community care or health care services by reasons of mental or other disability or illness and who may be unable to take care of themselves or protect themselves from harm or from being exploited.

Policy Statement

All Dancesport Scotland members have a duty of care to safeguard from harm all children, young people and vulnerable adults involved in dance-related activities. All children and young people have the right to protection. Dancesport Scotland recognises that some children and vulnerable adults, including those with specific learning differences and disabilities, may be particularly vulnerable to abuse.

Key principles:

  • The welfare of the child is paramount

  • All participants in any dance activities, without exception, have the right to be safe and be protected from abuse

  • All adults have a responsibility to safeguard and protect children.

  • The goal of the Child Protection & Safeguarding Policy is to promote good practice by;

  • Establishing and maintaining an environment where children feel secure, are encouraged to talk and are listened to.

  • Ensuring children know that there are adults in dance schools and at Dancesport Scotland events whom they can approach if they are worried or have concerns.

  • Ensuring all suspicions and allegations of abuse are taken seriously and are responded to swiftly and appropriately.

  • Ensuring that confidential and accurate recording of all safeguarding concerns are maintained and securely stored.

Safeguarding Procedures

It is not the responsibility of anyone working at any dance school or competition events, in a paid or unpaid capacity, to decide whether or not child abuse has taken place. However, it is their responsibility to act on any concerns through contact with the appropriate authorities and alerting/reporting to the Dancesport Scotland Child Welfare and Protection Officer (CWPO) at the time wherever possible.

Action if a Child Discloses Information:

When a child/young person makes a disclosure, this will be recorded and referred to the CWPO who will determine the appropriate course of action. The documentation will be stored securely and remain confidential. Any concerns about a child or young person will be recorded regardless of whether or not it will be ultimately passed on to the statutory authorities.
If a child or young person talks about possible abuse, the adult should:

  • Respond in a calm manner.

  •  Remember that the child is likely to be frightened or anxious.

  • Recognize the inherent difficulties interpreting what is said by young children.

  • Ask no more questions than are necessary to ensure they are clear enough about what has happened to pass the child’s concerns on. The child may also be asked to recount their story to social services or the police. However, the child must not be prevented from recalling events.

  • Reassure the child but do not promise confidentiality. It should be explained that the child will have to speak to someone else who can help.

  • Make a full written record of what has been said, heard and/or seen as soon as possible.

  • Remember that young or disabled children may not be able to express themselves verbally. Communication differences may mean that it is hard for them to complain or be understood. Sometimes abuse of disabled children has gone unrecognized because behavioural clues were interpreted as part of their disability.

  • Explain what will happen next and who has to be told.

  • Do find an appropriate early opportunity to explain that anything the child tells you may need to be shared with other.

Remember that all records need to be factual, objective, dated and timed. Information should be recorded in the child’s own words and not paraphrased.This information should then be forwarded as soon as possible to the CWPO. However, if there is a risk of immediate harm to a child the police should be informed without delay.

Action if a parent/guardian or other adult reports concerns:

Concerns can be reported in person to the CWPO or any of the Dancesport Scotland committee or via email:

  • Make a full written record of what has been said, heard and/or seen as soon as possible.

  • Explain what will happen next and who has to be told.

  • Pass on information to the CWPO


The CWPO and designated committee members will:

  • Review any activity relating to safeguarding and address any issues arising.

  • Ensure committee members complete the relevant training available from SportScotland

  • Review and update safeguarding policies and procedures

If you require any information specific to Child Protection and Safeguarding or wish to report/discuss any matters with us, please contact us using the following email address: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2024